The lifelong pursuit of excellence. 

Experience greater:

  • Creativity
  • Motivation
  • Goal-setting
  • Problem-solving
  • Learning , Study and Work Habits

Re-humanize yourself and others. Use the edux process, edux theory and the liberal arts to overcome dehumanization, gain deeper awareness, increase creativity and critical thinking and approach humanizing goals.

As you might imagine, this can be especially beneficial during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • What have I done with my life? 
  • What should I do with it now?
  • How do I go about it?
  • Where do I begin?

Edux has two main parts: 

  • Part One -overcoming obstacles to personal progress.  
  • Part Two – making personal progress.  

Edux helps you to experience freedom from anxiety about what the world expects of you and judges you about. 

Edux doesn’t teach you what to see, but how to look. 

Edux is a boon to any creative artist. It stretches your imagination in ways that you’ve never experienced before. It’s codified these ways into exercises that you can use at any time to escape mental and physical traps and to make progress in ways seldom thought of as possible. 

Encourage and enable yourself and others to get deeper enjoyment out of life now and for the future.  

What The Aware Mind – an Eductive Podcast is About

This podcast exist to help you have a better life right now -and in the future.

They do this by enabling you to develop and use an eductive attitude, an attitude that tends to recognize and lead out your better self.

With an eductive attitude, you can overcome those influences that hold you back, then dare to use your own mind, express yourself, take risks, and give more and get more out of life.

But this is just what life itself are is about. A probing for meaning in life. Eduction theory of human existence, personal development and physical reality. procedures for living life fully and gaining satisfaction from it. An introduction to a basis for the origin, development, and use of the humanities, sciences, and social sciences and a brief perusal investigation for the major academic fields. Application of the theory to achievement (in courses, in work, relationships, home life and on other challenging goals), to growth as a person, and of the enablement of the achievement and growth of others

I seriously thought that I have grown up because of this course. It helped me to think more “eductively” (so to speak) and I feel that my mind has been opened up and freed from the darkness of society.

According to Edux Theory, humanization can be initiated if one is free enough to explore his deep internal reality in the context of a situation, see the situation differently, act upon the situation differently, and share and encourage the use of the insight and the process. One cannot learn to use the edux process of humanization and rehumanization by learning about the process; attitudes and skills need to be developed as one’s mind is opened gradually by experiences with parts of the process. Those experiences are provided by a series of 45 exercises. An exercise is explained in each class. Students then use the exercise in their daily lives and write about their experiences for the next class, when the experiences are discussed.

There are no topics in an eduction course. Instead, there are new experiences and responses in each class. An assignment after each class requires extending those experiences at some length during one’s usual activities each day before the next class and then writing at least two pages about their experiences. So it is that new insights can be gained six or more days a week outside class.

The edux process is a way –

  • a way of life
  • a way of creating opportunities
  • a way of giving the most and getting the most out of life
  • a way of becoming more human that enables others to become more human
  • a way of responding to life’s large and small problems, requirements, upsets, and opportunitiesa way of making choices. (Human life is full of choices, moment-by-moment. Edux is not about what choices to make so much as it is a way of increasing your awareness of choices, increasing the number of your options, and increasing your ability to make and follow through on the choices you really want.)

As we moved along in the semester I noticed myself, along with my attitudes and feelings, rapidly changing. As if I was getting a wisdom of a million years but not from anybody, instead, from myself.

A brief account of Edux (without limiting explanations) is necessarily inaccurate. Moreover, there are several ways of view Edux. From one viewpoint, Edux is mainly about humanizing and dehumanizing. We are constantly under pressure to limit ourselves to surface awareness of all aspects of our world. If we respond to habitual surface awareness, we think and do things that diminish us and others–that dehumanize us—that destroy us. On the other hand, humanization (the Edux process) occurs as we see our world differently, turn from surface awareness to a deeper awareness that is non—conceptual, find insight, and generate conceptual awareness. We have the choice at each moment to give in to the destructive dehumanizing influences of continual surface awareness or to overcome such influences and seek out and respond to the constructive humanizing influences of deep non-conceptual awareness. A reasonably full understanding of the meaning and implications of the statements above requires suitable experience with the Edux process rather than knowledge of it. That experience is obtainable by following a series of Edux exercises. Edux exercises are of most help if they are followed while one is looking for deeper non—conceptual awareness.

Edux has helped me to sort through my thoughts and decide what I think about things for myself. I realize that I’m more in control of my life than I thought myself to be.

Another benefit of the podcast, in contrast to the original lectures, (as also stated elsewhere on the site) is that you can rewind and replay the podcast at your leisure. When I originally took Edux, I found some lectures pretty hard to follow. The podcast gives you as many opportunities as you like to go over each concept when you feel you may not have “gotten it” the first time.